IÑAKI x HARDCRAFT CO OM v2 with gesture sensor. [Pro Series]


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20 units Limited Edition – IÑAKI X HCCO Om power supply

This package include:

– Om limited edition power supply by IÑAKI @inakiworks with our last sensor ( you can turn on/off your machine, change between memories and change between machines just with one movement over the sensor)
– Custom limited IÑAKI travel case
– Limited edition print by @inakiworks and @german_rigol signed by IÑAKI and limited to 20.


This should be your last power supply. Enough machines to plug-in, enough power (too much we guess), enough memories, enough love inside and in a small size. Unique power supply.

Our OM power supply has the following features:


  • 4 Amps RMS, 7 Amps peak.
  • 1,2 –  16 Volts.
  • Two outputs (you can plug two machines).
  • 3 memories per machine, 6 memories in total. In every memory you can save a voltage and the footswitch mode. Every little circle on the bottom of the screen is a memory.
  • Ranurated encoder allows to encrease 0.1V per step. The encoder has also a push button to turn ON and OFF the machine output.
  • 2 Fooswitch modes. A normal mode and special mode that allows you to use your plates footswitch as an interruptor (once pressed you can release your feet and it keeps going until you press again).
  • Motion sensor to turn on and off your machine avoiding cross contamination. It is placed on the left side panel of the power supply. Check the pictures. You will be able to Turn-on/off, Change your preset/memory and swap your machine just with the movement detection
  • 4 ways to turn on and off your machine. (Footswitch mode 1, Footswitch mode 2, button on knob, motion sensor)
  • Chronometer with hours, minutes and seconds.
  • 4 neodinium magnets (20 Kg of strenght).
  • High grade aluminium casing.
  • Travel case included.
  • High bright 1,3′ screen with plastic protector.
  • best quality electronic components.
  • Intiutive interface, Easy to use.

Service Manual available: https://hardcraftco.com/downloads/

OM v2 with gesture sensor. [Pro Series]


20 units Limited Edition – IÑAKI X HCCO Om power supply

This package include:

– Om limited edition power supply by IÑAKI @inakiworks with our last sensor ( you can turn on/off your machine, change between memories and change between machines just with one movement over the sensor)
– Custom limited IÑAKI travel case
– Limited edition print by @inakiworks and @german_rigol signed by IÑAKI and limited to 20.

This should be your last power supply. Enough machines to plug-in, enough power (too much we guess), enough memories, enough love inside and in a small size. Unique power supply.

Our OM power supply has the following features:

  • 4 Amps RMS, 7 Amps peak.
  • 1,2 –  16 Volts.
  • Two outputs (you can plug two machines).
  • 3 memories per machine, 6 memories in total. In every memory you can save a voltage and the footswitch mode. Every little circle on the bottom of the screen is a memory.
  • Ranurated encoder allows to encrease 0.1V per step.
  • Encoder push button to turn ON and OFF the machine output.
  • 2 Fooswitch modes. A normal mode and special mode.
    Special Mode allows you to use your plates footswitch as an interruptor. (Press Once to turn on. press again to turn off)
  • Motion sensor to turn on and off your machine avoiding cross contamination. It is placed on the left side panel of the power supply. Check the pictures. You will be able to Turn-on/off, Change your preset/memory and swap your machine just with the movement detection
  • 4 ways to turn on and off your machine. (Footswitch mode 1, Footswitch mode 2, button on knob, motion sensor)
  • Chronometer with hours, minutes and seconds.
  • 4 neodinium magnets (20 Kg of strenght).
  • High grade aluminium casing.
  • Travel case included.
  • High bright 1,3′ screen with plastic protector.
  • best quality electronic components.
  • Intiutive interface, Easy to use.
Service Manual available: https://hardcraftco.com/downloads/

Different Power Supplies and custom made models also available here

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IÑAKI x HARDCRAFT CO OM v2 with gesture sensor. [Pro Series]

All power supplies have two (2) years warranty due to Factory failures. Power adaptors have one (1) year warranty due to Factory failures.
We have a policy that goes against planned obsolescence, so after the warranty period we offer repair service at affordable prices on any of the products. If you have any problem or doubt (before trying to repair it), do not hesitate to contact us via email, facebook or instagram.

