Jeroen Franken Kintaro Publishing


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Jeroen Franken has worked as a tattoo artist for more than 17 years and has travelled around the world multiple times to get a better understanding of ethnic tribal tattoos, and of course to master the craft to perfection himself in his artwork and tattoo designs. The first tattoo Jeroen ever made was in the jungles of Borneo while he was doing research on the tattoos of the Iban, the biggest ethnic tribe in Sarawak. Kintaro Publishing is presenting a compilation counting 288 pages of Jeroen Franken’s artwork and tattoo designs from the past 14 years, showing masterful traditional images of mostly Iban and Borneo designs, but also of Marquesan, Pacific and Maori work. The book in addition, also contain photographs of some of the most detailed tattoos Jeroen has done on his customers.

Title: Jeroen Franken
Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Paper-type: 115 gr. Munken Print Cream
Page-total: 288
Size: 148 x 210 mm


*Last copies, please note this edition has one page that was accidentally printed twice.

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Jeroen Franken Kintaro Publishing

Jeroen Franken Kintaro Publishing

Jeroen Franken has worked as a tattoo artist for more than 17 years and has travelled around the world multiple times to get a better understanding of ethnic tribal tattoos, and of course to master the craft to perfection himself in his artwork and tattoo designs.

The first tattoo Jeroen ever made was in the jungles of Borneo while he was doing research on the tattoos of the Iban, the biggest ethnic tribe in Sarawak.

Jeroen Franken Kintaro Publishing is presenting a compilation counting 288 pages of Jeroen Franken’s artwork and tattoo designs from the past 14 years, showing masterful traditional images of mostly Iban and Borneo designs, but also of Marquesan, Pacific and Maori work.

The book in addition, also contain photographs of some of the most detailed tattoos Jeroen has done on his customers.

Title: Jeroen Franken
Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Paper-type: 115 gr. Munken Print Cream
Page-total: 288
Size: 148 x 210 mm


*Last copies, please note this edition has one page that was accidentally printed twice.

Check out more Tattoo and art books here
Find out about news and keep yourself posted on the new products in our instagram


Jeroen Franken Kintaro Publishing (ES)

Jeroen Franken ha trabajado como tatuador durante más de 17 años y ha viajado por todo el mundo varias veces para comprender mejor los tatuajes tribales étnicos y, por supuesto, para dominar el oficio a la perfección en sus obras de arte y diseños de tatuajes.

El primer tatuaje que hizo Jeroen fue en las selvas de Borneo mientras investigaba los tatuajes de los Iban, la tribu étnica más grande de Sarawak.

Kintaro Publishing presenta una compilación que cuenta con 288 páginas de las obras de arte y los diseños de tatuajes de Jeroen Franken de los últimos 14 años, que muestran imágenes tradicionales magistrales de la mayoría de los diseños de Iban y Borneo, pero también del trabajo de Marquesan, Pacific y Maori.

El libro, además, también contiene fotografías de algunos de los tatuajes más detallados que Jeroen ha hecho a sus clientes.

Título: Jeroën Franken
Vinculante: Tapa blanda
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de papel: 115 gramos Crema con estampado Munken
Página-total: 288
Tamaño: 148 x 210 mm

*Últimas copias, tenga en cuenta que esta edición tiene una página que se imprimió accidentalmente dos veces.
